
Born on 08th September

Birthday Number 08, Sun Number 08

People born on the 08th of September are smart, authoritative, at times aggressive. Like all Sun Number 8′s they are capable of seeing the bigger picture in any situation much before others can, and go about doing things their own way, thus often putting them at odds with people above them in the hierarchy .

They have a binary view of the world, yes or no, do or don’t, black or white, etc. Often working on extreme viewpoints and rarely trying to find any middle ground. Other people are quick to acknowledge their intellectual superiority, their talent, or their potential abilities and capabilities.

They are a big bag of contradictions, for example they are both spiritual and materialistic, it is not about being either spiritual or materialistic, they are both at the same time. Similarly, they have various paradoxical traits. People see both sides of them, convinced that the person either has split personality, or they are too complex to understand. At times, they are even persecuted by other people or the society for this paradoxical behaviour. Hence, they tend to take on the identity of the cause or organisation they work with, rather than show their true self.

People born on 08th September, like all Sun Number 8′s are hard to please romantically, they are too level-headed, very practical, rarely express their feelings, and sex is just another physical thing that needs to be satisfied, (Like hunger), and once done, move on. Yet, they are very loyal partners, with a very strong sense of commitment towards the ones they love, and an ever ready to do anything for them, even fight the whole world.

Yet, like any other Birthday Number 8, they are hardly ever understood. They are considered as cold and aloof, but they are very caring, warm-hearted, and givers. Often they are exploited, and feel used, abused, and discarded. Their love, sacrifices, and commitments all considered worthless. If they are treated well by the partner, they in-turn treat the partner like a king/queen, and will give everything to the relationship.

Famous people born on this date:

801 – Ansgar, German archbishop
828 – Ali al-Hadi, Shia tenth of the Twelve Imams
1157 – Richard I of England
1209 – Sancho II of Portugal
1474 – Ludovico Ariosto, Italian poet
1515 – Alfonso Salmeron, Spanish scholar
1588 – Marin Mersenne, French mathematician (d. 1648)
1633 – Ferdinand IV, King of the Romans
1749 – Princess Marie Louise of Savoy
1779 – Mustafa IV, Ottoman Sultan
1804 – Eduard Mörike, German poet
1830 – Frédéric Mistral, French poet, Nobel Prize laureate
1852 – Gojong of the Korean Empire
1871 – Samuel McLaughlin, Canadian businessman and philanthropist, founded McLaughlin automobile
1884 – Théodore Pilette, Belgian race car driver
1895 – Sara García, Mexican actress
1914 – Patriarch Demetrios I of Constantinople
1914 – Denys Lasdun, English architect, designed the Royal National Theatre
1915 – Frank Cady, American actor
1915 – Frank Pullen, English businessman
1918 – Derek Barton, English chemist, Nobel Prize laureate
1922 – Sid Caesar, American comedian and actor
1922 – Lyndon LaRouche, American politician and activist, founded the LaRouche movement
1924 – Grace Metalious, American novelist
1929 – Christoph von Dohnányi, German conductor
1930 – Robert W. Firestone, American psychologist and author
1933 – Asha Bhosle, Indian singer
1937 – Archie Goodwin, American comic book writer, editor and artist
1947 – Benjamin Orr, American singer-songwriter and bass player (The Cars)
1948 – Great Kabuki, Japanese wrestler
1952 – David R. Ellis, American director, actor, and stuntman
1954 – Michael Shermer, American historian and writer, founded The Skeptics Society
1959 – Daler Nazarov, Tajik singer-songwriter and actor
1960 – David Steele, English bass player and songwriter (The Beat and Fine Young Cannibals)
1962 – Christopher Klim, American novelist
1963 – Hitoshi Matsumoto, Japanese comedian
1970 – Andy Ward, Irish rugby player
1971 – David Arquette, American actor, director, screenwriter, and producer
1971 – Martin Freeman, English actor
1973 – Khamis Al-Dosari, Saudi Arabian footballer
1973 – Gabrial McNair, American musician and composer (Oslo)
1979 – Pink, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actress
1981 – Jonathan Taylor Thomas, American actor
1987 – Wiz Khalifa, American rapper
1988 – Chantal Jones, American model and actress

